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Packaging Design for Robust Petcare

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Robust Petcare  is the manufacturer of a wide range of pet care products, ranging from highly nutritious pet food, bathing merchandise to products that act as an ornament for your pets, with over 20 years of operational experience, the company has an exhaustive product portfolio to meet the needs of various pet owners.


The brand approached ChimpzLab to create a packaging design using striking yet subtle visual identity to help the product stand out at store shelves amongst other competing brands.

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Following the ideology that right information aids the consumers’ buying process. We began the design process with the philosophy that the Packaging Should Say It All.

To achieve this, the design team went through endless product manuals, literatures, and interviewed the product managers to identify the key differentiating factors to be able to highlight them appropriately. To avoid confusing customers with too much information, an array of color schemes, font typefaces and layouts were experimented with to find the right mix. The resulting packaging design was extremely well-received by the client and initial set of customers. Post some minor adjustments, the products were shipped to pet stores across country and till-date the brand products continue to be demanded in high numbers.

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